Sunday, 6 October 2013

Our application to become Center Parcs Family Bloggers for 2014

I have never had the pleasure of visiting Center Parcs but I would love for this to change in 2014. I have always heard such fabulous feedback from friends and family who have visited. They have told me about all of the exciting activities there are to do, and I can just in-vision myself relaxing on my very first spa day... A girl can dream right? A spa day is one of those things right up there with winning the lottery!

Leo is at an age now where he is taking in everything that we do together, he loves holidays and heading off on new adventures...Especially if there is a trip to the waterfront on the cards.

A trip to Center Parcs for us would be nothing short of an adventure. Leo's wide eyes and curiosity make daily occurrences magical. Swimming for Leo is the kind of things dreams are made of, add in a few slides and you have a dream come true for a 2 year old. 

Since this blog was conceived back in 2011 I have shared Leo's entire life with you. From that very first giggle to his very first steps, he has grown up on social media and I have loved sharing our daily lives with anyone and everyone who reads. If we are chosen to be family bloggers for Center Parcs it will come as no surprise to any of you to know that we will be tweeting/instagramming/YouTubing and Facebooking are way through our adventures in the great outdoors. 

I have been having a sneak peak at the Center Parcs website, and Woburn Forest in particular. There is so much for a under 3 year old to take part in. What really stood out for me was the Teddy Bear's Picnic and the messy play. If you have seen the mud pies that Leo and I cooked up together you will see that he will be right at home in that session. 

Why do I want to become a 2014 Family Blogger for Center Parcs?

I would love nothing more than to take my little monster on the adventure holiday of his dreams, watch him beam as he splashes about in the pool, and runs around in all of the wide open space. It would be lovely to get away as a family for a few days and just enjoy one another's company before retreating back to reality....

Here is our video entry to becoming 2014 Family Bloggers. A video that shows just how far Leo has come, how much mischief he creates on a daily basis and why we would love to go and create new memories, new adventures at Center Parcs.

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