Friday, 25 October 2013

Can you ever really be ready?

There is so much to think about when you welcome a new baby into the world, what nappies will you be using? Will you bottle feed or breastfeed? Do you have enough babygrows? Will you cope with the lack of sleep? Will you know how to soothe your baby when they just want a cry?

Having a baby really is a mind field of questions, but then of course after the immediate queries you may have had about pregnancy and birth, there is a whole new battlefield to take on...

As soon as I had Leo I was in-undated with phone calls and emails about life insurance. Did I have one in place and did I want to hear about their latest super duper policy? On one occasion when Leo was a few weeks old I popped into the post office only for the lady behind the desk to quiz me on my life insurance policy, and to think I had only gone in to post a letter.

I was taken by surprise by all of this, as before I had given birth this was not a topic of conversation with anyone. Then all of a sudden it was all anyone wished to talk about...

It may surprise you how much money your newborn baby will be gifted in those first weeks, when everyone wants to come and cuddle your beautiful bundle. I know I was shocked when Leo's piggy bank started to overflow from all of the love and generosity that had been bestowed upon him. 

So among the madness of having a newborn baby to nurture, my mind pondered bank accounts, and where would be the best place to safely place Leo's money, so that one day it was there for when he needed it. I actually discussed the best options with Leo's Granddad, as he knows how to find the best ISAs online and all about the best interest accounts. Ultimately he knew how to help us do our best best for Leo's money. 

We discussed the current savings accounts for children, and even the option of opening up a cash ISA in my own name to store Leo's pennies for him. We had no desire to withdraw any of Leo's money once it was safely stored away, as our view was that this money was for him once he came of age.  

For me when I was pregnant I hadn't thought ahead this far. My mind pondered the typical new parent routine, and I wondered if I had enough baby clothes for my growing bump... Not once while I was pregnant did bank accounts and life insurance come into my mind.

But then never did I once consider that at 5 months old my little boy would have his very own passport.. 

Being a parent really is a whole new ball game.
Can you ever really be 100% ready?

Disclaimer: This is a featured post.

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