Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The Simple Things...

I don't know if you have noticed?

But then again...How could you not?

Have you noticed just how smiley and happy my little man is? He has a smile for everyone and is the most happiest little soul. It was just yesterday on the train a lady told me just how gorgeous he is, and although I am incredibly biased...As let's face it, I did have a hand in cooking him up. I am inclined to agree with her.

Leo lives to cause trouble and getting up to complete mischief. He knows how to have a good time and make the most of the most simple experience, which demonstrates his complete and utter innocence. A pure baby boy looking but nowhere except on the bright side of life. Just as he should be.

Leo has recently discovered the trampoline and I managed to capture a great shot of him enjoying the bouncy waves as he rode them with a big smile on his face. Capturing the complete essence of fun in that one perfect moment where he is nothing but happy.


  1. I love this photo, he looks so happy and utterly scrummy! Can't wait to put Dylan on a trampoline

    1. You will have to bring Dylan to play! He would love it, and the boys can have a day in the garden :-) xx

  2. Awww, it looks like he's having a really fun time on the trampoline. It's so lovely to see happy little people having a blast.
    Thanks for linking up. X

    1. It is always lovely to see them having a good old smile :-) xx

  3. That is adorable- Mads hasn't been on a trampoline yet but I bet she would love it. x


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