Tuesday, 24 July 2012

The Sun Is Setting...

The sun is now setting on my very last day as a stay at home Mummy. It is setting on the most amazing 13 months of my life. It has been the most magical time, where I have watched my little man grow from the fragile baby that he was, into the most beautiful little boy.

I feel so privaliged to have been able to stay off work as long as I have but I don't feel ready to return yet by any means...

I have watched intently as Leo has changed, and grown. One day he could not move at all and the next he was rolling over to look at the world from a different view. Then came the sitting up and First teeth, leading the way for the crawling mobile baby of mine to suddenly take off. Leo made it very apparent that the days of being able to sit down for Five minutes were now over. 

Leo's First words and development has blown me away, and most recently his ability to walk has just made me think 'wow'. He toddles every where now and it wont be long before his balance is spot on and he can run as fast as his little legs will carry him. 

You can ask Leo questions and he will always shake his head to say 'No', even if he really means Yes. You can have a real giggle with him and actually laugh so much that your sides will hurt. If you ask Leo where the Star is, he will point his finger up to the Star ornament that hangs in the hall. His understanding is amazing.

People have asked me whether I will continue blogging now I am returning to full time work. The answer to that is most defiantly. One of the many reasons I set this blog up is to capture the life of us working Mummy's, and I feel that it is even more important now for me to keep writing things down, so that I don't forget a single moment. 

I will miss watching Leo day in and day out, and I have cherished each and every day. Even those day's where we have been stuck inside because of the pouring rain or because he has been too poorly to really go anywhere. I have loved them all.

It is safe to say that I have that butterfly feeling deep down at pitt of my tummy, the same feeling I used to get at the end of the Summer holidays when it was time to go back to school the next day. This time though it feels magnified and it may even be tinged with guilt and indeed sadness for leaving my little man. 

I have spent the last Two day's out in the sunshine with my beautiful baby boy. We have been having adventures down the park and enjoying each other's company. There have been many laughs and memorable moments, and they are what I will be taking back to the office with me. 

So as the sun sets on another beautiful day, it is setting on me as well, and as the moon rises high into the sky it, is telling me it is time to make the transition into a working Mummy. I don't know if there will be a magical wind that sweeps around me and lifts me high up into the air when this change happens...a Beauty and the Beast, Fiona and Shrek moment? But I know either way that is going to happen.

As the warmest day of the year is upon us, I will be slipping on my attire for a day in the office. So make sure you all enjoy the lovely weather for me, while I am daydreaming out of the window, refreshing my Twitter time line for the umpteenth time.

I have already been looking for ways to prevent tomorrow from happening, I even resorted to texting my boss to make sure that tomorrow was the date we had agreed. Unfortunately he confirmed that tomorrow is indeed the big day! 

One thing is for sure though...It really is the end of an era.

Wish me luck!


P.S - Here are a few ways we have enjoyed ourselves over the past few days!


  1. I wish you all the best, I'm sure you'll settle into your working mummy role in no time! Your so lucky to have childcare all sorted and imagine Leo's face when you walk through the door at the end of the day- it will be so worth it x

    1. Thank you so much Rachel. I am sure you are right. It has all gone well today but I just wish I could be enjoying the Summer with Leo and making memories. xx

  2. good luck chick! it will fly by x

  3. Hope you enjoy your first day back and your weekends become more special x

    1. I cannot wait for the weekend already! On countdown #living for the weekend x

  4. Wishing you the best of luck for tomorrow lovely, i don't envy you at all and feel so fortunate that i'm in a position now where i don't have to return to work. I'm sure it'll be hard and testing to begin with but you're such a strong person and i'm sure you'll settle back into the swing of things just fine. It'll make the time you do get to spend with Leo even more precious. Good Luck xxx

    1. Thanks Vikki, I don't envy me either...Got to be done though! That is so nice of you to say :-) xx

  5. Aww, it'll be home time and then the weekend before you know it. Good luck. I'm sure you'll all quickly get used to the changes and you'll pack your times with Leo full of adventures. X

    1. Home time has come...Finally. The morning went quickly but there was nothing for me to do this afternoon so I sat there clock watching and twiddling my thumbs! Thanks Lucy xx


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