Thursday, 29 March 2012

Dear My Beautiful Boy...

Dear my Beautiful Baby Boy,

Over the past 9 months we have both grown so much, in different ways of course. You are learning about the world and discovering how to move around it, I am learning the Mummy ropes and how to make you smile, but we have grown together throughout. We have been growing together for the last 18 months now and I find it hard to believe that in a few short weeks, we will be apart...

You wont understand yet, but Mummy has to return to work. This is something that I have to do for myself and of course you. I want to spoil you rotten and give you everything you deserve. Unfortunately to do this, I have to leave for the day...

We are going to have to grow in another way now, learn how to juggle our time together with our time apart. This is a life lesson that I would rather not learn. This feels like a bad dream.

Leo a year ago, it felt like we had forever together, but we really didn't. I am just so glad I can look back on our year together and know that we both made the very best of it, and didn't waste a day.

I cannot imagine my day being away from you after having you as such a consistent light in my everyday existence. You always put a big smile on my mardy morning face, and I just cannot fathom spending the day anywhere that you wont be.

I love our days walking down by the river feeding the Ducks or gallivanting off on wild adventures visiting the different wildlife parks. I have tried to make the most of each and everyday I have with you, by showing you the world around you and enjoying our quality time. I promise you now, that I will always do these things with you, and make the time to show you the world wonders.

Baby boy, the next few months may be a bit quiet. The main thing is we will be together. My pennies have all but run out and it doesn't look like we will be rolling in any money until I return to work. Despite this I know I will be so happy, right here with you. You cannot put a price tag on this quality time we have together. I would rather be as poor as a church mouse than return to the office right now, and I will make this work baby boy.

I love to see you learn new things and grow in your self everyday. You seem to do something new every week now. How am I supposed to leave you for the day and miss out on all of these amazing things? It seems so unfair that someone else will get to enjoy you, my baby. While I am at work for 8 hours a day. I want to see you walk and hear you speak your first words, and my worry is that I will be the second person to witness these landmarks.

I promise to always do my very best for you, and take you on the most exciting adventures. If I could, I would be with you always, day in and out. Just because we are in our last couple of months before I return to work, we will keep the magic alive for always.

Love you baby boy,



  1. Wow! Beautifully written & so moving. Brought a tear to my eye xx

    1. Thank you Suzie, It brought a few to mine to. I am so anxious about leaving him. I don't know where all of our time has gone. Arhhh xx

  2. Going back to work is so hard but it does get easier. I was dreading it but now as I am part time I really love the balance. xx

    1. Thanks Katie, I am sure it is just about adjusting and getting a new routine in place. It is great you have the oppurtunity to go part time. That must be amazing!

  3. Hope going back to work isn't too bad for you both. It will make the time together more special x

    1. Hi Becky. I hope you are well. I think you are right but I love that I have all my time with him right now. I can't imagine it any other way...


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