Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Leo & His Bodily Functions...

Over the weekend Leo thought his bodily functions were incredibly funny. I was recording him and this little scene unfolded right in front of my eyes. As you will see the timing is just spot on. I am sure he is actually laughing at his Uncle Chris, but the element of him laughing at himself is there to say the least!

I hope Leo can put a a big smile on your faces as I have to admit this did make me chuckle! Of course I am biased being his Mummy and all...but I am sure you will agree!

Who would have thought a baby laughing at his bodily functions would put such a grin on your face!? I am sure it will only stay funny until he hits 1...and then he will be in the same category as Daddy when he does it. In the Dog house!

I guess having a little boy....I am going to be overwhelmed with toilet humour...So I best get used to it now, as I have both Leo and Luke to contend with!

Laura xx


  1. Hi! I am from the june2011 birthgroup..
    I clicked on the link you had posted and OH MY GOSH! Leo is so cute!!!! Oh and his laughing is so adorable and funny!! Mostly adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks lovely :-)) he is also trouble with a capital T! I am sure you know exactly what I am talking about with your own June baby!! Hehe xxx


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