Friday, 2 March 2012

The Boy Is My Best Friend

The boy is my BEST friend.

Over 9 months we grew together. Physically and emotionally. My tummy expanded to accommodate his needs. He grew from the size of sesame seed into my baby boy. I found emotions somewhere inside along the way,  that I didn't know I could ever feel.

Now he is here, we both continue to grow and learn new things everyday. Some life lessons about the world around us, shaping us to be better people. Leo is a little sponge absorbing everything that I show him, I am his teacher. Whether we take a walk by the river or stay home and play with his toys. We are learning all the time.

We laugh together and sometimes we cry together, but no matter what. Things always work out for the best. I am there to wipe away the tears and give him the special huggle, only I can provide. I am there to tuck him into bed at night, and if he wakes in the early hours. I am there to settle him and put him back to bed. When he wakes in the morning, I am there to give him his breakfast.

I am there to play with him, have a giggle and a joke. We go on exciting adventures and see many new things along the way. We are both on a journey...A journey of growing up.

I am a consistency that he relies on, but I rely on him too. I need him to do all of these things. I would go to the moon and back to keep him safe and happy.

That's what any Mummy would do.

The boy is my best friend.


  1. Such a lovely post hun... as you know it already made me cry!! And I must say... you look AMAZING in your bump picture!! WOW!!

  2. Thanks Nicola!
    This was my last bump picture at 38 weeks! At 39 exactly I was in hospital having him!! Xx

  3. P.s - sorry I made you cry :-) xx

  4. Such a beautiful post. Love the pictures of Leo, so cute!! The picture of you and your bump WOW!! You look good, no stretchmarks and wearing a bikini.. One yummy mummy xx

  5. awww how lovely!! i have always said that harry is my best friend too! all day everyday we are together and i love it :) x great post x

    1. Thank you lovely. I think it is a very special bond that all Mummy's share! xx

  6. A lovely post. It's amazing how much a little person can completely change your world. Beautiful. X

    1. Thank you Lucy. It truly is amazing how such a little person can change your life so much! In such an amazing way! xx

  7. That's a lovely post and a gorgeous series of photos. He looks so much like you!

    1. Thanks Lovely! Do you think!? All I see is Luke! hehe...xx

  8. Ahh..what a lovely post. I have a boy too, he is 9 months old, and I'm just heading back to work:( I don't want too.,.i look forward to reading more of your adventures x

    1. Thank you very much :-) When are you back at work?? You will have to let me know how you find it. I am looking forward to going back but at the same time dreading it!

      There will be many more adventures xx

  9. Aw, lovely post - and beautiful pictures too. You write the words we mums all feel so well!


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