Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Ma Ma Comes To Stay

You may all be familiar with John Crane Toys, but you may not have heard about their exciting new campaign! It's just a bit of fun, but they have handed out 100 wooden Grand Parents (from their Tidlo Collection) to loving family's around the UK because....these excitable little Grandparents want to travel...

Ma Ma (The name she adapted this morning) rolled up on the Train just before lunch, she looked very excited and instantly exclaimed how enjoyable her journey had been from the John Crane Head Quarters. Ma Ma could not wait to meet Leo and get settled into her new home.

We opted into adopting Ma Ma so we could take her along on our exciting adventures, which of course there are many!

The thought of Ma Ma sitting at home with Pop's doing nothing but staring at the same four walls, made us think that we could take her with us and show her the world! Ma Ma has told us that her relationship with Pop's these days is strained to say the least! It is not what it use to be....So I know we made the right descision in welcoming Ma Ma into the family.

There will be many photo's and even videos of Ma Ma having the time of her life, while she is joining in on the hustle and bustle of my little family. There will be days out and even holidaying abroad this Summer!

So keep your eyes peeled for the Adventures of Ma Ma, as there are sure to be many!

Here is Ma Ma getting settled in to her new home.

As you can see, Ma Ma is very young at heart. There are no signs of any aches or pains. Ma Ma is fighting fit and can tackle the tallest assent with just her climbing rope and bare hands!

Ma Ma has advised that her biggest dream is to go boating, so we have arranged for this to happen! I know...What is better than making an old lady's dreams come true!

This is how Ma Ma got on during her boating exhibition.

Watch this space for more of Ma Ma's adventures!

Laura xx


  1. did you see your castle video on here?

  2. I did! Thanks very much for the link :-) It was a proud moment for Ma Ma! xx


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